January Outing
Collier Country Sherriff’s Office Special Operations
At Naples Airport
January 27 8:30 AM
Visit the office of Collier County Sherriff’s Special Operations department at Naples Airport. We expect to see the helicopters, airplane, and special ground vehicles that help keep us safe. Climb aboard a helicopter for close ups of the interior. Look inside the special SWAT vehicles used to catch the bad guys.
We will also be adjacent to runway 14 E-W and we hope to have air traffic during our visit for planes taking off and landing.
We suggest a short telephoto (70-200, 100-400), 24-70 Zoom, and a wide angle to capture all there is to see.
This will be a sign-up event: we will need names. We will be inside a restricted area at the airport.
February Outing
Venice Rookery
Manatee-Sarasota State College
February 20 7:30 AM Departure
Travel to one of the most interesting spots in Florida to see wading birds nesting, the Venice Rookery. Then, as a side trip stop at the State College of Florida, just 5 miles down 41 from the rookery for more birds.
This will be a sign-up event: We suggest car-pooling, and we will set up carpool signups on the website.
March Outing
The Naples Players Dress Rehearsal for Man of Lamancha
At Sugden Theater
March 10 6:00 PM
Once again we have made arrangements with The Naples Players to shoot the theater and cast as they prepare for their opening of this musical event on the following day.
We will have limited access to the entire theater complex which is now finished after major renovations, so think architectural.
Karen Regan and Mark McCulfor will be setting up studio portrait lights for shooting portraits of the cast as they are available, so think portraits.
The cast will be in full costume and do a full run-through of the show. We can shoot from anywhere in Kizzie Theater, so think stage photography. (No flash and no video)
We suggest a short telephoto, 24-70 Zoom, and a wide angle to capture all there is to see.
This will be a sign-up event with background checks, since TNP includes underage performers.
February Meeting
3 short presentations
Phil Wheat
Processing the Best Photo of the Year
Jim Robellard
Sebastião Salgado
Mahlon Stacy
Smartphone Tips
Three talented photographers will share their unique perspectives through engaging short subjects. Phil Wheat will share the processing for his F3C Best of Year photo. Jim Robellard will inspire you with the work of a famous photographer. Mahlon Stacy will offer some ways to get better smartphone photos. Together, this potpourri of photography will have something for everyone.
Thursday, February 13 7:00 PM FSW College Building J
April Meeting
Photoshop: Advanced Selections and Masking
Dan Waterman
Speaking Via Zoom
From replacing skies, to selecting hair, to enhancing contrast in isolated areas of the tonal range, masking is among Photoshop’s most powerful features for any photographer. In this presentation, Dan will demonstrate some of Photoshop’s advanced capabilities for selecting, layering, and masking. He will discuss how and when to use different tools for an efficient workflow, including channels, Quick Mask mode, the Select & Mask interface, AI features, and more, with examples for a variety of subjects including landscapes, portraits, and wildlife.
Dan first picked up a camera nearly 20 years ago and was captivated by the methodical, process-oriented approach to composition and exposure. His passion has only grown since then, and he now spends every possible moment exploring and capturing the world’s varied landscapes. His work can be seen at danwdesign.com.
Thursday, April 10 2025 7:00 PM FSW College Building J
December Meeting
The Power of Imagery to Push Creative Boundaries
Gerri Jones
Speaking Via Zoom
How we choose to create stories with our imagery resonates with your own personal photographic journey. Ways to overcome a creative rut are discussed with helpful strategies. Gerri will discuss how choosing to shoot with the addition of all manual optics (such as Lensbabies or Vintage lenses),
Gerri enjoys photographing all subjects and especially the challenge of new ways to see through the creative use of Lensbaby lenses. She is a Lensbaby Ambassador. Her work can be seen at her website.
Thursday, December 11, 2025 7:00 PM FSW College Building J
DPI-SIG Year End Winners
Winter Competition
January 15 – February 15, 2025
Color, Monochrome, Creative and Portraiture
Click here to see all ribbons and imagesFCCC Year End DPI-SIG Winner
Congratulations to Phil Wheat on his Blue Ribbon in the Interpretive Category
F3C Competititon results can be viewed on the F3C Website HERE
DPI-SIG Magazine
The DPI-SIG Magazine started publication in 2014 and the last issue was in September 2023. Each issue includes photography articles, member images and other info. Click the image to access the entire library.
YouTube Live
General Meeting Live Online
Jim Robellard has pulled together the parts needed to broadcast our general meeting on YouTube. In our March test, we discovered the quality of the recording to be far better that videotaping. We announced it for our April meeting. If you can’t come to the meeting, join us on YouTube!
What’s Happening? Or, What Happened!
DPI-SIG – 20 Years
Ceelebrate 20 years of these unruly Naples photographers pointing their cameras every which way. We will reveal how the club started and highlight some of the highlights.
June 2024 Outing
TNP at Sugden Theater
This was a fun outing. 14 photographers took hundreds of photos
DPI-SIG NEW! Auctions
We are going to different auction software for the auctions. Bidding will all be handled online, and you will see the current bid, so you will have a better sense of whether to bid again, or at all.
Go to the Classifieds Page and click Auctions at the top to see all the listings. Then bid away!
All auction items have been donated to the club, and all proceeds go to the general fund.
FCCC 2025 Conference
DPI-SIG members will receive a $29 discount on the FCCC member price when registering on the website.
Our Volunteers
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization