TNP Outing – March 2025

Outing at Naples Players – Sugden Theater, 701 5th Avenue, Naples

Dress Rehearsal for Man From Lamancha – Musical

March 10, 2025 – 6:30 PM

This will be similar to the June, 2024 outing at Sugden Theater.

SIGNUP REQUIRED: Send an email to Mahlon Stacy ( to sign up for the event. You will be confirmed by return email

We will provide DPI-SIG nametags so theater staff can recognize you.

BACKUP CHECKS REQUIRED: The theater requires visitors with access to complete background checks. You can do this in one of two ways (If you completed a check for last June, you do not need to do another one):

  1. Complete the Volunteer Application Page for TNP. This includes the info for the background check. Once completed, you can volunteer, too…
  2. Fill out a background check form and return it to the theater at the address below. Forms will be available at the January and February meetings, or you can download here and print it. NOTE: Only last 4 digits of SSN required

The Naples Players ATTN: DPI-SIG Outing
701 5th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102

The Naples Players is allowing us to visit the theater to photograph the newly renovated theater and the dress rehearsal for the show.

We anticipate shooting three activities:

  1. Dress Rehearsal: We will have unlimited access to the main Kizzie Theater, Atrium, Mezzanine and Balcony to photograph the complete perofmance of this show. No flash, and no video, but there will be good stage lighting.
  2. Portrait Studio. Our Lighting Workshop leaders plan to set up one of more studio lighting areas in the for portraits of the actors if and when they become available (no guarantees).
  3. Architecture. Besides the main Kizzie theater, we will have limited escorted access to backstage, the costume shop, scene shop, green room, the orchestra pit, dressing rooms and the two other theater spaces in the building.

Recommended equipment: Camera, 24-70 Zoom lens, short telephoto zoom (70-200, 100-400). Tripod may be handy (see bottom photo of Sonny at right)